Personalized assistance from a case manager who will work with you to help you closely follow and understand your personalized care or discharge care plan. Please register yourself to get the benefit of this app.
Coordination of care between your pharmacy, specialists, testing centers, hospitals and more
- 24/7 emergency access to a healthcare professional
- Expert assistance with reaching and surpassing your health goals
Special Features of CCM
– coordination of care between your pharmacy, specialists, testing centers, hospitals and more
– 24/7 emergency access to a healthcare professional
– expert assistance with reaching and surpassing your health goals
Managing Your Healthcare Can be Overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to Be!
Chronic Care Management (CCM) is a care coordination service that is completed outside of your regular visits with your assigned case manager. This program provides you with around-the-clock access to care that will help you stay on track with your overall care plan. As a CCM patient, you benefit from the added peace of mind and security of knowing that help is just a phone call away. You are able to maintain your independence and better manage your health.
Are You Eligible?
If you have with two or more chronic conditions, CCM can help you manage your care.